Presentation Information

Neel Shah

Growing A Family With Dignity

  • Speaker: Neel Shah , MD, MPP, FACOG
  • Presentation Type:
  • Duration: 75 Mins
  • Credits: 1.25 CME

For the last five years, Harvard professor and ob/gyn Dr. Neel Shah has led an effort to research and define the causes of a startling set of trends that have made having a baby increasingly risky, isolating, and disempowering for so many American mothers. As a physician, scientist, and activist, he has gained deep insight into the current state of maternal health from a broad cross-section of actors: mothers and their partners, midwives and doulas, anesthetists and fellow surgeons, policymakers and activists. The solutions, he realized, require not only change from within the system, but also a reshaping of the public understanding of what women and their families should expect. Historically, survival has been the goal of childbirth. But in 2019, we believe mothers and their families should and can expect more. He will describe what it would mean for every person to be able to start or grow a family with dignity, the existing gaps and the solutions to achieving this vision.